Make Grange part of your cost saving initiatives

May 25, 2022

Due to the current economic situation, a lot of companies are cutting back on expenditure, on all platforms to save money. Often marketing and safety are at the top of the list.

Unfortunately, some buyers sit behind a computer and look at suppliers’ pricelists not taking into consideration, the ethics of the different suppliers/importers, the quality that they import as well as possibly considering local SUPERIOR manufacturers… but opt for the cheapest product available.


That’s never a good thing.

Allowing Inferior products into the workplace ends up costing so much more than the investment in good Quality products!

Here at Procon Marketing, we strive to give you a long-lasting product, as well as a suitable product for your application. Along with our distributors, we come into your workplace and analyse your applications and offer you the correct PPE for your applications.


What we strive to do is to give you a product that adds longevity in the workplace & intern saves you money.

A longer lasting product equals cost savings doesn’t it?

If you are interested in saving money for your company, let us help you. Contact our distributors or us directly & we can definitely assist you.

grange – some things are just better

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